Uncle Odie's Collectibles
Sunday, May 28, 2006
Sunday, May 14, 2006
New Spaceship Blueprint Book
For those of you who like ACCURATE blueprints and details of fictional and real spacecraft, you'll be interested to know that the authors of "Spaceship Handbook", Jack Hagerty and Jon Rogers, are writing a new one covering shipships not included in the first and this one will be called "The Saucer Fleet". Jon told me a big part of it will be the Jupiter 2. He is using only original blueprints and confirmed measurements to create his illustrations and they are so much more readable and interesting than the original prints, yet they are just as accurate. He approaches his work scientifically as an archeologist would, digging for evidence, and it's nice to know that he is preserving those spaceships as they really were for future generations. Other saucer ships included in it can be seen in the ad picture that I'll upload into the files. The book is still being worked on and there's no release date yet but below is Jon's guide when he researches a spaceship.
I can hardly wait,
In regards my drawings in the upcoming "The Saucer Fleet"
1. All Data drawing in the Upcoming "The Saucer Fleet" will follow the conventions established in our previous book, The Spaceship Handbook. That means that they will be Scaled, Dimensioned, and Color keyed (for some items). They will be fully detailed, notated and explained in accompanying text.
2. All my Data drawings are not the usual SF enthusiast (or Fan) generated drawing. They contain no imaginary elements. They are as accurate to the original as it is possible to engineer using all facts known to me at the time of the drawing. They are always based on primary (or direct) evidence as to the shape and dimensions of the subject ship in question--such as the Jupiter II. I define 'primary' to mean, original blueprints or photographs of the original ship or set.
3. The only time I include hypothetical elements are when there clues to their existance and a need for them to make the ship more rationally understandable. In those cases I clearly indicate that those elements are "Implied or Speculative" and can be removed from the drawing or resultant model.
4. I do intensive research work and take great pains in creating my data drawings. Their purpose is nothing less than to resurrect, and restore as much knowledge about the original spaceship as is possible. I want to save that ship that inspired so many of us before it is lost to the ravages of time. I want future generations to know what it was that inspired us.
5. If the readers of our books so desire, it is fully reasonable and proper that models can be and should be made from my drawings . No permission is required to do this. However, I do appreciate getting an email or picture of the resultant model. I consider those that do as my 'fan mail.' I wish all modelers the best of luck in their work.
Jon Rogers, Spaceship Archeologist
(*) Special thanks to, Bill Hedges for this update!