Update: Michael Suzor

Mike showing us he is not giving up. He is fighter with an iron will. The doctor's prognosis had him expected to pass away by mid August from the lymphoma cancer. His condition has declined and he no longer can move or speak but he communicates with his eyes. He does have brain damage but Mike, in part is still with us. He needs 24 hour medical care but I have been able to make arrangements to keep him at home where he wants to be. I'm doing everything in my power to meet his needs, keep him comfortable and improve his quality of life.
Expecting the worst I did make his final arrangements, but I hope that will not be needed and Mike comes back to us. He has a long hard long road if by the grace of God that happens and I'll be at his side all the way.
I have set up a bank account for Mike for those who would like to make donations for his care. If OK with the moderator I would gladly accept any donation through them with their approval. I swear all funds will go to Mike. He has a ton of expenses and I am close to no longer meet expenses. If OK with the powers that be at this site I can provide details where to send any memorial or donation.
Mike is amazing and once again showing everyone he is no ordinary man.
Thanks for all who have sent concerns, good wishes and prayers. It means so much to both of us.

Send checks payable as: "Randall E Flink for Michael Suzor" and include on subject line donation for Michael Suzor Support, which makes a tax deduction for you too.
Our address is 3944 Meramec Street, St. Louis, MO 63116. If you like our phone number send me a personal email at idotrek@hotmail.com.
Questions and concerns please contact me.
Mike and I thank you for your concern and support...nice to know there are people who care.
Randy Flink
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