In Loving Memory of Mike Suzor

Mike was a dear friend, and I will always be thankful for what he did for me, and the fans all over the world. You will be soley missed Mike. Our thoughts and prayers are with Mike's family and friends during this time.
Love Always,
Robert - "Uncle Odie"
Kerry Manderbach:
Our freind Mike passed from this realm at 8:20 AM, November 12th, 2006. Mike's legacy will endure thru his art, films and other creative endeavors. He will be sorely missed by his family, friends, and the LIS community. A multimedia tribute to Mike featuring his work in all media is being planned.
Flint Mitchell:
LISFAN artist Mike Suzor passed away at 8:20 AM today after a long illness. Mike and I pretty much lost contact after the LISFAN days. A mutual friend of ours, LISFAN contributor Kerry Manderbach, did his best to arrange to have Mike's friends visit him in his last days.
It was a surprise, seeing Mike in bed, unable to talk. We (Kerry, LISFAN artist Ken Holland any myself) were alllowed to stay for only a few minutes. Mike wasn't feeling well.
There are a lot of thoughts going on in my mind now. What's happened to Mike will happen to all of us eventually. Mike was lucky enough to have a partner who was willing and able to let him live his last days at home.
There will be a funeral and a tribute to Mike, time and dates to be announced.
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